I think all the criticisms of the movie are fair. Barbie is super problematic in a million levels. I also think the movie is kind of subversive because there are so many teenagers and young women who are going to see it bc it’s fun and light and get exposed to anti-patriarchy messages that you would never see in another movie that teenagers flock to. I’m generation X, and this movie could not (and would not) have been made when I was a teenager.
I think that's progress. If the movie energizes young women to question the patriarchal systmes their mothere were raised in (and which still very much exist), then that's in the plus column.
Really thoughtful piece and your insights resonated. I liked the vibrancy of the Barbie movie but was feeling left out that I found it a wee bit too preachy. More important, I love the new focus of your blog Catherine. Write on!
I'll be the first to admit that I have not seen the movie nor do I foresee myself doing so. Unless it comes out on Netflix.
Everything I've read others post about it is pretty rah-rah-great-life-lessons. You're the first who has dissected it in a way I can actually believe.
I've never been a girly girl and never placed much weight into "the patriarchy" and all the things it supposedly holds women back from. I was raised as a strong woman by a strong woman.
I'll probably watch the movie when it's no longer in the spotlight. It just doesn't interest me enough lol.
I think all the criticisms of the movie are fair. Barbie is super problematic in a million levels. I also think the movie is kind of subversive because there are so many teenagers and young women who are going to see it bc it’s fun and light and get exposed to anti-patriarchy messages that you would never see in another movie that teenagers flock to. I’m generation X, and this movie could not (and would not) have been made when I was a teenager.
I think that's progress. If the movie energizes young women to question the patriarchal systmes their mothere were raised in (and which still very much exist), then that's in the plus column.
Really thoughtful piece and your insights resonated. I liked the vibrancy of the Barbie movie but was feeling left out that I found it a wee bit too preachy. More important, I love the new focus of your blog Catherine. Write on!
Thanks Joni! I can't wait to read your new book PARTY LIKE IT'S 2044
I'll be the first to admit that I have not seen the movie nor do I foresee myself doing so. Unless it comes out on Netflix.
Everything I've read others post about it is pretty rah-rah-great-life-lessons. You're the first who has dissected it in a way I can actually believe.
I've never been a girly girl and never placed much weight into "the patriarchy" and all the things it supposedly holds women back from. I was raised as a strong woman by a strong woman.
I'll probably watch the movie when it's no longer in the spotlight. It just doesn't interest me enough lol.