Thanks so much for posting this, Catherine!

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Heyo, Comments on the story and how it relates to resilience and reinvention are welcome and encouraged. There are many other forums for airing and challenging of personal and political views. Thanks! Catherine

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Although I feel sorry for Paulla's unfortunate and love-less upbringing, it's very sad that she is unable to see that abortion is NOT the answer. Yes, sitting in front of a woman in distress and crying bitter tears is hard to bear. But thinking an abortion is the only answer is wrong. The majority of abortions are done because the woman was coerced into doing it. A husband, boyfriend, parent, or "good friend" who neither understands and supports her, nor the circumstances of the pregnancy, might think abortion is the easy way out. The truth is that the majority of post-abortive women suffer from life-long sadness, bouts of depression, and feelings of unworthiness. The suicide rate of post-abortive women is 3 to 5 % higher than for other women.

And, you obviously buy into the propaganda that a fetus is nothing more than a blob of tissue. No, it's not! It's a child, just like you and me with the single difference that it still needs to grow up. Why does a baby need to die because the adults made a "mistake"?

A very sad story.

Your additional comments are riddled with propaganda "facts", which is sad too. E.g., Late term abortion means an abortion is done to a baby in the third trimester of pregnancy, where the baby is already viable when born prematurely.

Abortion should have nothing to do with politics. It rather should be a given that each and every person has the right to life. Unborn or born, no matter the age. Including you and me.

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How many children have you adopted, Anne? Fostered any? It’s very nice to write all that ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️and pray in front of clinics and stuff like that, but if you’re not actively helping the women who are forced to have babies, you’re the problem.

Women who can’t get the healthcare they need are dying because of people like you pushing for the overturning of Roe. Yes, that belongs on your conscience, Anne.

I’m curious if you support free lunches for school children or any social programs for single mothers and for poor children living outside the womb. You’re cool giving them food stamps and other government assistance right?

Are you for gun control or do you prefer more children get shot at school? The survivor kids feel suicidal too after a traumatic event like that.

I cannot wait until Kamala wins and abortion is legal in all 50 states.

PS Just because you say it’s a baby doesn’t mean it is. If you eat a fertilized egg from a Traders Joe carton, does that mean you ate a chicken?

PPS your religious view is yours, not mine nor millions of others

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In my family, we adopted 4 children.

We send a dozen to school and pay all their fees, as well as University for three kids.

How about you?

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You are a rarity in the pro-life movement, and I commend you for being aligned with your beliefs. Usually I only hear lip service from pro-birthers. I have three children, none adopted. I hope you are further aligned by being for gun-control, against the death penalty, and all social programs to support poor families.

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It may surprise you to hear that the majority of pro-life people are against the death penalty and guns, and are active in providing or supporting social services for families, especially moms and kids. We support life at all ages, including the elderly and homeless.

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While you are entitled to your opinions, delegitimizing other women's voices is not okay here. I will note that I cited research with links to support the data within my editor's notes.

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