First bit of growth advice that actually feels authentic and feels like 'me'. Thank you!

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I'm glad it resonated with you!

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I love a list. I also love writing that doesn’t take itself too seriously and makes me laugh 😆. Looking forward to reading more and feeling more validated as a re-emerging older person

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Thanks for the comment. As you re-emerge, I hope you feel more than validated. Venerated, celebrated, rejuvenated!! ❤️☘️

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Amazing, Catherine ... I'm trying to process your magic sauce. While it would be grand to have 1000 subscribers, that's not really why I'm here. (Although seeing and being seen is part of why we go to the party.) I guess I'm here just to play! And share and discover and be amazed by all the brilliance. However, I do pick and choose. (I choose you! And also-- many thanks for the recommendation! 😍🙏🩵)

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Congratulations! I'm having difficulty getting my best friends to read my stack. Sigh. They're too busy to read! But I have met many other wonderful writers/readers here who have made it worthwhile. I would love to make a thousand subscribers.

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Doreen I'm right there with you. My friends and family hardly ever read my posts, let alone comment. But the inspiration, connections and fabulous writing I find here is worth more than bumping up my readership (though wouldn't be amazing to hit 1000 subscribers??)

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🥰 That's my why: "inspiration, connections, and fabulous writing"

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It was fun to hear you share about your work. I enjoyed it!

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I'm sorry I had to miss the meetup. Btw, I am seriously contemplating jumping ship. It's starting to feel icky about this platform in general. What are good reasons to stay?

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Wondering why you are feeling icky?

I stay because I like the easy format, the engaged and (in my experience) kind commenters. I've found so many kindred spirits here and I want to build a community of engaged readers -- not sure where else I could do that on my own time and my own terms.

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I've had some concerns that this platform is going the way of Twitter, both politically and commercially. It's feeling less like providing a safe home for writers and engaging with supportive communities, and more like "how can we make this less profitable for them and more so for the investors?" I've been looking into ways I can migrate off. I was already concerned when readers turned into "followers" instead of subscribers. The whole idea of a newsletter is to send newsletters. And fine if that can be expanded to other types of media — a platform that also supports podcasts or video content. However, what's happening is there is a palpable shift into turning this into something else and I'm not a fan, especially if the revenue I am helping to generate is funding things I would have cause to run from for, literally, dear life.

I mean, dang. Can we just go back to discussing cocktails and hot flashes?

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Thanks for sharing that. From the get-go, I understood Substack’s founders were profit and growth motivated and I'm willing to trade off supporting capitalism for the ease with which this platform helps me achieve my own motives (connection and growth).

I scroll by the politics and block the hate just like I avoid anti-aging beauty tips, religion, and romantasy. That's not why I'm here, but I appreciate the diversity of topics even if I abhore some of the views.

The internet is the umbrella that makes all these portals possible, hard to avoid, although I did recently buy some cute stationary. 💌

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This is so helpful! I have been struggling to figure out what I'm doing and this was so relatable! Time to go figure out my why 💫

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And you will do it!!

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I appreciate the inspiration and guidance. and congrats!

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Stay true to your why and have fun!

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Thanks Nina!

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Catherine, THIS IS NOT ONLY FUNNY, but brilliant. You role model you! I feel that my Maine move (from CT) talks to your VT move, and all the rest too. Onward!

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I have always loved your substack (whatever the name is) and look forward to reading it. I think it’s one of the best substacks out there!

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😘 Awww! My "real" why...I love the compliments. 😉

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I love everything about this! 🥂

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Thanks Erin! My point (I hope I made it) is to be gentle with ourselves. There are many routes to achieving our Substack goals.

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How refreshing!!!

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Yes! Thanks for the advice with the humor! And I need to know more about buying a rural farmhouse in VT. That's this Jersey Girl's dream.

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I write about my Vermont journey too. Added a link to your restack thread. I hope you'll follow along. 🍁🌄🏡

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